Selena Gomez & Mystery Man Step Out Again...

Justin Bieber became engaged to Hailey Baldwin over the weekend. But the news doesn't seem to be upsetting his ex, Selena Gomez, who he was dating on and off from 2011 until earlier this year.

On Sunday the 25-year-old Wolves singer was spotted with a handsome young man who looks a bit like a Beckham. He was by her side as they boarded a yacht named Justine to visit Coney Island in New York.

The mystery man had on a black shirt with blue shorts and worn-in sneakers with Puma socks.
And Gomez was chic in a white crop top, rust colored drawstring slacks and thick soled black leather sandals by Tod's for SS18. Black thin sunglasses looked on trend.

The Good For You singer also carried a notepad and a glass of red iced tea. She has a right to her life, don't she? More photos...
